Sunday, May 31, 2009


I am starting this page today in the hope that I can share my enthusiasm & experiences with backyard pool skating. I have taken -literally- thousands of photographs while hunting, draining, cleaning, & skating pools. I have skated with many pool-riding legends and call them my friends. There is a mystery surrounding pool riding. When I am prowling some alleyway peeking through paint-blistered fences & peering through a stand of palm trees, nothing is more intoxicating to me than seeing the stark bright, white plaster & blue-green tiles of a half empty stagnant pool. I continue with the hunt as I was taught. Salba showed me the ropes & I follow his guidelines implicitely.Pool riding is elitist. It is the bastard child of skateboarding. It is a minor religion. Pool riding holds the top honor for being the most-soulful part of skateboarding. After all, the X-games vertical buffoonery that is watched on TV every year has pool riding in its blood. It is an integral part of all things cool. I will update & post pool photographs & discuss the sessions in the hope that others can learn, become excited and start their own scene. skate strong/skate long- Ozzie